This is a biographical film of the life and musical achievements of Pavlos Sidiropoulos. At the same time, this film is autobiographical, as it starts and ends with a filmmaker who takes over the fil...
During a legal fight over a piece of land somewhere in the countryside - seven people, a mother with her son, her daughter and her family, and a businessman involved in a homosexual relationship with ...
A young author and out-of-work teacher (Renos Charalampidis) finds himself involved in a conspiracy to kidnap the daughter of a singer. The young man is considered to be the mastermind behind the plot...
The Acropol theater, Athens’ celebrated musical theater, is preparing for an opening night premiere. Shortly before opening night, the manager of the theater is forced to fire one of the leading act...
In 1922, an American photographer returns to his homeland by ship from Smyrni. On the same ship are 700 Greek women who are going to America in order to get married. The photographer falls in love wit...
Fotis is in love with Bilio, a last-year student at a provincial high-school, and serenades her frequently. Bilio’s teacher, Platon Papadakis, is also in love with her, but besides serenading her, h...